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7th Street Surf Shops

720 Asbury Ave, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 398-7070
654 Asbury Ave, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 399-2644

654 Boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 391-1700
1118 Boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 391-7877

720 Asbury Avenue
Ocean City, NJ, 08226

(609) 398-7070


Snow Day with Ethan Dunn

Tim Dinofa

As winter surfers on the East Coast, it is the thing all of us dream about. Fortunate enough for us, yesterday we were greeted with a sunny sky, snow on the ground, and groomed offshore conditions. Check out the gallery below to check out team rider, Ethan Dunn, shredding alongside the Cold War surf event in Asbury Park.

Photos by Christina Dunn and Sean Santiago.