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7th Street Surf Shops

720 Asbury Ave, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 398-7070
654 Asbury Ave, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 399-2644

654 Boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 391-1700
1118 Boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 391-7877

720 Asbury Avenue
Ocean City, NJ, 08226

(609) 398-7070


Second Annual Winter Skate Jam

Tim Dinofa

Winter Skate Jam II

Ocean City Skatepark

December 2nd 2017


Girls (12+ Under):

                1. Zoe Herishen

                2. Sophie Whelan

                3. Cove Chew

Micro-Groms (10+ Under):

                1. Nate Barons

    2. Ty Collins

    3. Cullen Whelan

Groms (11-12):

   1. Chaz Moreno

   2. Paul Woodring

   3. Dominic Morrill

Boys (13-15):

                1. Jake Dinan

                2. Mark Graves

                3. Anthony Mabry

Men (16+ up):

                1. Adam Corbo

                2. Christian Cotto

                3. Ryan Walsh

Big congratulations to all 7th Street team riders that participated in the event! Click Here for a short video highlight from our good friends and event co-sponsor, Jetty Apparel!