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7th Street Surf Shops

720 Asbury Ave, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 398-7070
654 Asbury Ave, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 399-2644

654 Boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 391-1700
1118 Boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 391-7877

720 Asbury Avenue
Ocean City, NJ, 08226

(609) 398-7070


Second Annual Winter Skate Jam

Tim Dinofa

Winter Skate Jam II

Ocean City Skatepark

December 2nd 2017


Girls (12+ Under):

                1. Zoe Herishen

                2. Sophie Whelan

                3. Cove Chew

Micro-Groms (10+ Under):

                1. Nate Barons

    2. Ty Collins

    3. Cullen Whelan

Groms (11-12):

   1. Chaz Moreno

   2. Paul Woodring

   3. Dominic Morrill

Boys (13-15):

                1. Jake Dinan

                2. Mark Graves

                3. Anthony Mabry

Men (16+ up):

                1. Adam Corbo

                2. Christian Cotto

                3. Ryan Walsh

Big congratulations to all 7th Street team riders that participated in the event! Click Here for a short video highlight from our good friends and event co-sponsor, Jetty Apparel!

Summer Daydream

Tim Dinofa

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We all long for the magical three months that is the summer season. It is our time to shed the 5mils and extra layers, freeing us to enjoy our beautiful town of Ocean City.  Our days are filled with countless hours at the beach and the best of vibes. In our latest surf short, "Summer Daydream" we pay our respects to a summer to remember. Arguably, one of the most memorable to date! 

For those of you that love summer as much as we do, CLICK HERE to purchase a shop gift card today to make sure you'll have all the necessities during your next trip to Ocean City!

2017 Rusty East Coast Tour: 7th Street Surf Shop

Tim Dinofa

This year we were fortunate enough to have longtime team rider and hometown hero, Matt Keenan, stop in with the Rusty Crew for the 2017 East Coast Tour. It was so great to be able to talk shop and design with head shaper, Clint Preisendorfer. 


Stop in the shop and check out Rusty Surfboards latest designs. Grab your next blade before the next swell arrives!