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7th Street Surf Shops

720 Asbury Ave, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 398-7070
654 Asbury Ave, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 399-2644

654 Boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 391-1700
1118 Boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ 08226  (609) 391-7877

720 Asbury Avenue
Ocean City, NJ, 08226

(609) 398-7070


Creative Corner: Aaron “Bogy” Bogushefsky

Tim Dinofa


Name: Aaron “Bogy” Bogushefsky

Location: Ocean City, New Jersey

Craft: Artist

Q. How did you come to know 7th Street Surf Shop?

A. Started working in the shop and giving surf lessons in 2005 then started painting boards, making t-shirt designs and Larry commissioned me to paint a few things. Been hanging around ever since.

Q. Describe an Ocean City Summer in three words. 

A. Fantastic onshore chaos

Q. What sparks your creativity? Who/what have been some of your inspirations over the years?

A. Every person has God-given talents and we are to use them to the best of our abilities. I do art because it is my outlet, it's not that I sit down and say, “okay time to be creative.” It just happens all the time, it does not turn off. I see inspiration from just people watching on the boardwalk to memorizing sunsets to taking joy in the mundane, overlooked things in life. Most time the best ideas come in the late hours of the night as I am most clear headed. Eventually an idea builds up and has to come out and my artwork is the result of this process. As far as influences over the years, I find nearly everything interesting so it comes from all over but mainly the absolute love of our area with its ocean, rivers, surfing, fishing, hunting and the multitude of wildlife these things are what inspire me. 

Q. What kind of things do you look for when collaborating with fellow artists or brands?

IA. look for others who are dedicated to their craft, who are taking the time to bother about the details. I think that the overall success of many things is found in the details.

Q. Any advice for the next generation of artists & creatives?

A. Absolutely. Learn the ways of those who came before you. It is on their shoulders you and I stand. Hone your skill, be continually learning and never satisfied. Support your local businesses. 

Our new Offshore Series is now available as a hoodie and in kids sizes! CLICK HERE to prebook yours today!